During the evening of the first week of May. I met OPD officer Lt. Darren Dillon working a security detail at Publix at Orange Ave & Pineloch.
I was testing a few things on the Santa sleigh after I changed the motorcycle seat to a police solo seat for comfort. Then came new handlebars to compensate for the additional riding height and the windshield modifications.
Lt Dillon gave me a special OPD coin from the traffic enforcement section Motor unit. When I got home I looked hard the coin and the motorcycle wheel with the wings through it. It was very special to me as I am in the Shriners motorcycle unit and this logo is often used on our uniforms. I was so honored that added to a special coin that was given to me from Edgewood PD.
I am not very good about accepting things from others unless I give something back.
Arrangements were made to give Lt. Dillon a special Santa magic key in a shadow box and a Santa spirit award on Friday the 13th. Yep, May 13, 2022 I loaded up my Santa toy bag and met Lt Dillon at Mission Barbeque on S. 436 in Orlando.
As we did the award / gift presentation, we were joined by two other LT’s from OPD for lunch.
Time went on and we got ready to go back to our jobs. Lt Dillon was able to see things the way Santa does from my magic Harley / Sleigh. The look on his face as he sat behind the Santa sleigh and saw things from a Santa point of view through reindeer antlers was priceless. He was glowing like a kid on his first bike………or teenager on his first Harley 😉
The coincidence or unique part here is that Lt. Dillon had a 1999 Harley Road king while my Santa sleigh is a 2000 Road King. Plus I had a bad mc accident on my Harley several years ago by a negligent driver. Oddly enough. Lt Dillon was struck by a driver at a left turn intersection. Both of us kept our love for motorcycles and used them in our transportation to watch over others.
Lt. Dillon and his team helped me release a special magical light of hope and giving back to others. Thank you to our officers for your dedication, support and time in .sharing a magical moment with me and allowing me to give back for your collection.