This has been one of my favorite events as I work with a special lady photographer of Love is Me photography. I have shared her clients and their families as we offer 10 minute sessions to get the best family pictures available. I am looking forward to this year again as we book a photography studio an set up a...
I get a chance to work with Jennifer Dawn Beck and her classes of sip & paint. Jennifer has found a way to turn palm fonds into a Santa Claus, fish, stingray, turtle and several other creations. Her classes are often sold out as people join her to paint and create or paint the palm fonds. Johnny's Other side and...
Due to a cancellation by the Bear team, the Trinity Lutheran Day Care Center is going from *;30 to Noon. After a wonderful Christmas in July, the good people at Trinity Lutheran Child Day Care center have asked me for a Dec appearance. Dec 03, 2022 from 9:00 to 10:30 I will be at their school for a special Christmas...
In Dec of 2019 I did my first appearance for Bethanne Baer and the Bear Team for greeting & photos with Santa at at Orlando Premiere 14 Fashion Square Mall. The Baer Team and Santa greeting the families who came in to see a Christmas movie and share their families with us. Fashion Square Premiere 14 Cinema is located at...
Announcing & welcoming you to the fourth year of a special celebration with the family & merchants at Curry Ford West Located at Justin Bauknight's State Farm Insurance office located at 2507 Curry Ford Rd, Orlando, FL 32806 This year the picture will be indoors with the backdrop pf a real chimney in the building.
Hoping to have a warm welcome and nice turn out for the first ever Santa appearance at the Pine Castle Historical Society toy drive Confirmation was done here with Bill Moore a dear friend and fraternity brother
This is a special event where the residents of Belle Isle are treated to A photo op with Santa and a host of special events and entertainment at Belle Isle city hall The special events committee, mayor and city manager all come together to wish all of our families a special joyous Christmas and holiday season.
On Friday Dec 09, 2022 Eola lodge will join Bethanne Baer and the Bear team will host a Christmas special for the kids and families that are able to attend. Free pictures with Santa as I lay out my professional setup. This is the same set up as last year that was loved by all who attended.
In the beginning I worked with Louie Ciavaglia For a photo op session at the entrance of the HOA Last year we developed this into an extravaganza with a free Santa photo session, food, a bounce house, music and games. This year the HOA is working on a special moment and night for the people of Stillwater HOA
After 2 successful years with the Domingue's family for their daughters birthday, I am reserving this date from 1 to 3:00 for the family, friends and Collins birthday.
Santa returns to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church for their Holiday Pack meeting Per Joel Patterson:. The below date is reserved but not confirmed yet. Awaiting confirmation Cub Scout Pack 42 at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church is having their Holiday Pack Meeting on December 13th at 7pm.
I got a chance to speak with Vivian at Pine Castle Women's club Santa will be making an appearance at Pine Castle Women's club Dec 14th from 11 to 12:00
In conjunction with the Belle Isle special events committee, city council and mayor, Santa is planning on a two day parade through the city of Belle Isle. During the drive through the city, Belle Isle PD provides a lead and follow escort as my elves and I toss out stuffed animals for the kids and a few toys for our...
In conjunction with the Belle Isle special events committee, city council and mayor, Santa is planning on a two day parade trough the city of Belle Isle. During the drive through the city, Belle Isle PD provides a lead and follow escort as my elves and I toss out stuffed animals for the kids and a few toys for our...
After working with Michelle Marie of Love is me photography for a few years, I have been asked to appear atr a private Christmas party Revival Chiropractic at 955 W. State Rd 436 Altamonte Springs, Fl 32714
After speaking with the owner a Ruff day bark club, I am pleased to announce my second appearance for this agency. The time frame here is reserved and not written in stone yet.
This has been a tradition since 2012 where Santa appears as a guest at Pete Madison's home and front porch. A full scale Santa stage is set up allowing a free kodak moment with Santa Each year I have spent a lot of time and money to give the best appearance I can offer
I am happy to announce I have been asked to return to appear at a dear families Christmas party. I am looking forward to seeing Lacy & Kevin Carpenter, their family and friends this year Dec 23, 2022
I made such a great appearance with Stephanie and her family that I have booked a second appearance 4101 Alverado St Orlando, Fl 32812 Stephanie 321-3474412