We’re still finishing the updates for the events from 2023 for the site, so please kepe checking back as we add more photo galliers soon!
One however, was a special event – Edgewood 2023! I won’t go into too many words here and simply let the videos and different photo gallies of the night tell the story! Thank you to all involved and lets build up to an even better 2024!
First up – the write up. I can’t begin to tell you how much this meant to me!
And I can see that sign there!
And you can see the videos for the flight in – Santa doesn’t always go by reindeer express but will work with your local authorities to visit as many of you as i can!
Edgewood – The Beginning
Edgewood – The Setup
Edgewood – Welcome Line
Edgewood – Time with Santa
Edgewood – Santa with the Police Department