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The Office Of Santa Claus ( Kris Kringle)
1 North Mistletoe Ln.
North Pole – Arctic Circle
e-mail  |  Local Sleigh Office line (352)-432-8394

Thank you for reviewing and visiting my web site. There is a special love for the people in central Florida. I often vacation here and you may see me testing some of my equipment for the SE  area from the lightweight suit and the special props I put on my two wheeled sleigh.

As these appearances increased, I looked for ways to improve my appearances and the way I tried to “give back” to others.

Over the years I have seen people concerned about the safety of their child.

I have a list of references that are available. These people have been contacted by me first and they have agreed to act as a reference about me upon request.

In 2015, I appeared for special charity appearances in the Central  Fl area at:

Pine Castle Women’s Club by request of V.P. Ruth Harrell

Servants Heart, a local charity and faith based food supplier by request Vicki Little

Orlando’s YMCA after school program at the Pine Castle United Methodist Church in Orlando, FL

Bahia Shrine Center Children’s Christmas part by request of potentate Jon T Gumina

The Russell Home for Atypical Children in Orlando

Belle Isle City Council chambers as a secret Santa by request of Belle Isle City Council Commissioner Lydia Pisano.

On Dec 20, 2015 I was between performances and appearances when Shaquille O’Neal spotted me on my Santa Harley sleigh and suit in S. Orlando. The picture made his Face book page Dec 22, 2015 and received over 5-K likes and 250 shares.

I encourage you to review my Kris Kringle site on Google plus or this web site

I have spent an extensive amount of time preparing the custom suits, My red sleigh, the pictures and awards I give out plus this site that is under construction. I hope you will enjoy seeing the pictures of these achievements I have shared from their facebook page.